Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Mind and the Tongue

One last thought before i head off to bed:

Learn how to take every thought into captivity, if it goes against or is contrary to Gods word it should be dismissed from your mind.

Quit letting the enemy speak through you. Sometimes it's little things that you don't notice
but every time you gossip or speak bad about someone you are letting your tongue be "Influenced" by the enemy (I've been a victim of having a loose tongue but with the mind of Christ i am tackling this thing) your smart remark could be the boiling point for someone else to just lose it.
Please fellow Christians i encourage you to let your tongue be SELF CONTROLLED. if you struggle with it. Ask God to help you!
Don't let YOURSELF be the reason for people being pushed over the edge.
I encourage you to go into the book of James and read about what the word say about taming the tongue this isn't a brand new issue this has been going on forever. But i believe through Christ you can conquer this thing. Because this is a Tactic of the enemy. it TRULY is. But by putting on the MIND of Christ you can tackle this and you CAN keep it under control.
The reason i started off with saying Keep your thoughts Captive is because words start out in the mind. Words are ATTACHED to Emotion. I don't SPEAK i Love you if i don't first experience the emotion of love for YOU in my mind. If i THINK >I Don't like you (If i have a loose tongue) I'm going to say i don't like you. You have to realize the MARRIAGE between THOUGHTS&WORDS i believe they are married if you truly begin to understand the concept.

People worldwide Struggle and are kept in bondage with this thing. And are perfectly fine with it as if it isn't wrong thats the ENEMY making you thing that it's fine. I am here to tell you that it's NOT and this is something that needs to be handled within every believer. (The enemy has you thinking sin is okay, Thats what he loves to do) i'm sorry but i stand for truth and this is just something God is revealing to me. God wants you to tame your tongue (Show self control) and control your thoughts. it is IMPERATIVE that you rebuke the spirit of the enemy in your MOUTH and in your MIND. Use you tongue to speak the things of God. Let your tongue be influenced by the Holy-Spirit allow the Lord to take you into your heavenly Language allow him to prophesy through you. Let your tongue be used for teaching proclaiming and declaring the word. And most of all REBUKING the enemy....

the enemy loves to make sin look perfectly fine. But i need some believers to realize that sin is not of God and that is the very thing that can cause us to be seperated from God (End us up in hell) ask God to give you understanding of Himself. I speak freedom to those caught up in habitual sin and in addictions. The power of the holyspirit can BREAK EVERY SINGLE THING YOUR STRUGGLING WITH.

Man i am in a preach right now! Anyways! thats what i wanted to say! God Bless!,
'Jordan H

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