Friday, July 26, 2013

New Realms

Exciting news as i'm hearing from God,

God is speaking to me about Steping out, Allow me to further this..

Now is the time for me to step out of the Realm of MUSIC to spread the word of Christ, This does NOT mean that i will discontinue music, I will still continue to minister through music and Lead Worship. But God simply told me that there is MORE to be done, So now i am stepping outside of the realm of music, Now i will begin to spread JESUS in MORE ways than JUST Music. More people need to hear about Jesus and music isn't reaching EVERYBODY
In this season God is calling me to take Risks for Him, This includes stepping out and praying for the sick, praying for people with any pain in the body (God loves to manifest himself through healing etc) and just taking time to tell people about Jesus! In this season in my life i am going to begin to  Step out in FAITH God is pushing me out of my comfort zone quickly. I can't control it all i  can do is Go with it! You can pray for Boldness (For me) that i wont be timid in entering into this transition and into this new realm of ministry. People need to be reached outside of the church. People also need Jesus in the church but what i am saying is that the people that are outside of the church, the ones that don't know Jesus, they need Him Desperately. And if i dont step up and take initiative and tell them, Who will? I know there are some might messengers of Christ out there, But God is calling ME specifically  to reach people as well. This is something that ALL believers should be doing...

So pray for me as i begin to Step Out and walk in Faith and do what God is calling me to do in this season.

Now, To Clear up some things just in case you may have questions. I don't want to cause any misconceptions .

1) I am and will Still be ministering through music
2) I will still be leading worship as i usually do

But Right now God is calling me to do MORE, he is calling me to step out of the realm of music and enter in this new realm of ministry, as i have stated in this post. Be not confused.

Pray for me as i begin doing this. God is awesome, I trust him
Jordan A. Harris

Friday, July 12, 2013

When God calls you he is looking for a Yes, When you say yes that means you surrender Your LIFE to God so he can use you.. (Ministry isn't what you do, it's who you are) 
-Jordan Harris

There is a cost to saying yes to Gods call and some are not ready to say yes because they dont know the Coast! The cost is simply this YOUR LIFE. When you say yes, You are saying of God i surrender everything to you. I allow you to set me a part from everyone else and Follow you!
That means you cant indulge in what you know is SIN and what the world says is FUN.  If you have said yes stay strong! Please continue to strengthen your relationship with Christ. and fellowship with other believers in Christ! Continue to live your set a part life In Christ Jesus! What i'm not saying is you have to live under a rock. What I AM saying is that responding to Gods call means you cant do EVERYTHING you have to deny your flesh and choose To walk in the Spirit!
I'm nog going to write pages tonight i just had this in my spirit and it needed to be released to you all!
Be Blessed!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Accuracy and Authenticity

"The Accuracy of your Prophetic word Does not determine the Authenticity of the vessel."
                      -Jordan Harris

While it is so that anyTime you receive a prophetic word or a word from the Lord from anyone that is it OK to judge that word and see if it lines up or confirms in your spirit (The Holy Spirit should also confirm the word in your spirit if he is dwelling within you)  but I think that is very important that we realize that even though we people flow in the Spirit, we need to Continue to realize that we too are human and can make mistakes when it comes to ministering to people prophetically. I compare it to shooting a basketball you may not always make it but you always try again. Once we spend more time with God and press in to Him. And practice hearing his voice then His voice will become more clearer and recognizable  To us, You should realize as well that there are people who don't hear the voice of God but pretend they do to sound Very deep and spiritual. The holy spirit inside you can discern between the Authentic and the not so authentic.
Here is the awesome thing! all of Gods people can hear his voice! God doesnt speak in only one way he speaks in various ways!!

When he does speak to you apply it , or if it is about someone else Deliver it (If he says so) be obedient with what God has given you! Learn faithfulness! God Admires Faithfulness in his people!.
Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Mind and the Tongue

One last thought before i head off to bed:

Learn how to take every thought into captivity, if it goes against or is contrary to Gods word it should be dismissed from your mind.

Quit letting the enemy speak through you. Sometimes it's little things that you don't notice
but every time you gossip or speak bad about someone you are letting your tongue be "Influenced" by the enemy (I've been a victim of having a loose tongue but with the mind of Christ i am tackling this thing) your smart remark could be the boiling point for someone else to just lose it.
Please fellow Christians i encourage you to let your tongue be SELF CONTROLLED. if you struggle with it. Ask God to help you!
Don't let YOURSELF be the reason for people being pushed over the edge.
I encourage you to go into the book of James and read about what the word say about taming the tongue this isn't a brand new issue this has been going on forever. But i believe through Christ you can conquer this thing. Because this is a Tactic of the enemy. it TRULY is. But by putting on the MIND of Christ you can tackle this and you CAN keep it under control.
The reason i started off with saying Keep your thoughts Captive is because words start out in the mind. Words are ATTACHED to Emotion. I don't SPEAK i Love you if i don't first experience the emotion of love for YOU in my mind. If i THINK >I Don't like you (If i have a loose tongue) I'm going to say i don't like you. You have to realize the MARRIAGE between THOUGHTS&WORDS i believe they are married if you truly begin to understand the concept.

People worldwide Struggle and are kept in bondage with this thing. And are perfectly fine with it as if it isn't wrong thats the ENEMY making you thing that it's fine. I am here to tell you that it's NOT and this is something that needs to be handled within every believer. (The enemy has you thinking sin is okay, Thats what he loves to do) i'm sorry but i stand for truth and this is just something God is revealing to me. God wants you to tame your tongue (Show self control) and control your thoughts. it is IMPERATIVE that you rebuke the spirit of the enemy in your MOUTH and in your MIND. Use you tongue to speak the things of God. Let your tongue be influenced by the Holy-Spirit allow the Lord to take you into your heavenly Language allow him to prophesy through you. Let your tongue be used for teaching proclaiming and declaring the word. And most of all REBUKING the enemy....

the enemy loves to make sin look perfectly fine. But i need some believers to realize that sin is not of God and that is the very thing that can cause us to be seperated from God (End us up in hell) ask God to give you understanding of Himself. I speak freedom to those caught up in habitual sin and in addictions. The power of the holyspirit can BREAK EVERY SINGLE THING YOUR STRUGGLING WITH.

Man i am in a preach right now! Anyways! thats what i wanted to say! God Bless!,
'Jordan H


Hello everyone!
I hope that you all are having a great start to your Wed, Since it is 12:32 Am haha :)

yesterday (I'm wanting to say Today) was a great day! I practiced with Bethel! God is just doing some mighty things some Great things!. Sometimes i just ask God "Really?" He has blessed me with so much and He's just been loving on me like Crazy...
i just want to remind you all that God is alive and he desires to be ACTIVE in your life and He desires for you to allow him to WORK through you! he Desires to activate callings and giftings in your life. He wants to show you your very PURPOSE.. But it all BEGINS with RELATIONSHIP with Him, He already knows EVERYTHING about you! take time to get to know Him! The Sustainer of YOUR life! Just take time to Get in the word, Talk to Him through prayer. Allow him to talk back to you! He wants to speak to you about certain things and He wants to give you fresh Revelation and Understanding. You can NOT thrive off of a sunday morning Word. Or a once a week Time alone with God (i know people get busy but you have to make your priorities Straight and in order) this relationship has to be a daily thing! With God you are either Progressing or BackSliding! The number one thing i love about God is the simple fact that he Loves me always, it's unconditional. God is a God of grace and mercy! come to Him! draw close to Him!

Thats all I have for today! i'm going to go spend some time with God and then get to BED!

God has been speaking to me showing me things and giving me deeper understanding and revelation on certain things. so Be looking for some teachings coming soon!
Love You all!,
Jordan H