Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Our job is to live just like him on this earth And continue the will of God until he comes back for us!!
Are you ready for his return?? We don't know when but just know he's coming.. And it's our job to be ready!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 <-Click the Link

Love is Red is an amazing conference held at Faith Family get yoru tickets and Go!! I went To Love is Red2012 (Last Year) and it was Awesome

To be in a place where people have the same views as you. To worship the Lord and be filled with his annointing  his holyspirit in Order to do the will of God on this earth is Powerful..
Love is Red will connect you and allow you to go deeper into the Presence Of God..
Because IN the presence of God you are changed simply because you cant Leave the same way you came.. Prepare yourself to experience a move of God to experience a tangible wave of His presence..
Be Open to receive From the speakers dont just listen but the important part is that you APPLY what you've learned..
God Bless,
Jordan Harris
We as christians need to learn to trust God through the bad circumstances that we WILL go through in life.. Trials and tribulations will come in our life but it is how we CHOOSE to respond to them..
Romans 8:28
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose....
All things are working together for our Good even though in the midst of adversity we Cant see it now but I just want to tell you that God has a plan we as Christians just have to TRUST what he is doing ..

Monday, November 26, 2012

In reality it's not about you.. Your supposed to be laying yourself down putting yourself your pride goals dreams down at the feet of Jesus to allow him to be Glorified Always..
"It's not about me Its all about you Jesus"
-Jordan H

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My birthday is December 7th!
I will be 15 years old! I am very excited.. Thankyou Lord for bringing me through this far. Thankyou Lord for the gift of life and Eternal life for all who know and put there trust in you!
God is not finished with me yet. I can not give up now. Why would i? That's the whole point of believing and having faith in what God is doing even though you cant see what he's doing now just know he's working it out. In the meantime there is no need for you to be stressed out all the time. Let God work out your situation and you just keep living life!

This is a Speech that i wrote in Fourth Grade

This was my Speech: Hello, I’m Jordan Harris and the name of my speech is “Christian Walk” it is based on Psalm 119:9 about how a young man can keep his ways pure.Some people want to be a doctor, some say a nurse, and some say a fireman. But once we get older those dreams sometimes fade away due to violence, drugs, and smoke and difficult life situations. Today I am coming here to encourage you to keep the dreams you once had... You should press on because I am sure that God wants you to be a successful young man or woman for Him.The bible says “greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. That means the God who is in you is greater, stronger, more powerful than any devil in this world… in any world circumstance as a matter of fact!! You may stumble a bit, but hey nobody in this perfect, everybody makes mistakes you must remember God is stronger than any curse, He’s stronger than anything. Call on His name and He will set you free. Truth is the opposite of a lie, truth is a lie killer, it is a torch that will lead you out of the darkness!! Darkness is the opposite of light, it forms from all of the sins we have committed, including lies that come from our mouth. Little by little there is more darkness but when we confess and tell the truth the light comes out of that darkness. You see where there is light, darkness can not come, When light comes darkness HAS to flee. And as you know sometimes when God’s children are in spiritual darkness He will reach down and pick you out of that pit and set you straight. Forgiveness is something that casts sin away and always gives you a new beginning.Now I do have to warn you that unconfessed sin and unforgiveness will keep us bound and in danger of Eternal darkness! Eternal means forever!!!Boys and Girls! Stay pure, stay clean, stay Holy and you’re on your way to those streets of Gold!! Remember no one is perfect, but when you sin ask God for forgiveness and He will forgive you!!!

If your living your life in sin without Any repentance and not  asking God to help Mold you and shape you into His image than what are you doing? When you proclaim to be a christian then what you need to do is Say.. Lord let me life Glorify you always. Find ways each day to make him smile on you!.
Your main goal should be to Show JESUS everywhere you go. People should be able to Tell that the spirit of the Living God is dwelling in you!

"Your Spirit Cant survive off of just a Sunday morning Sermon."
-Pastor George Dun-woody

My pastor's statement is very so true!
Our spirits can not survive off of a Sunday morning message if we as Christians are not getting into the word, praying then we are starving ourselves spiritually. What we need in our lives is the Living word Of God. We need to feed our spirit Feeding our spirits one time a week Is not just not doing anything but it is damaging our Spiritual Development.
                          I encourage you Christians To get into the word of God DAILY so that your spirits can be properly fed with the word of God. The word of God is living! and God was the word and the word was God! Continually Feed yourselves With his Word Always!! 


Get ready everyone!!
I will be releasing a book Titled
"Understanding The Heart Of Worship" i'm so excited for you To read what God has on my heart!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I hope all of you had a wonderful thanksgiving!!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

John 11:38-43

38 Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. 39 “Take away the stone,” he said.
“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”
40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”
43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”

when i read those verses I am once again reminded of the POWER and ANNOINTING that Jesus possessed because he WAS God's son

The Lord is speaking to me saying

So many of us keep wanting things dones when they want it done but dont't want to Wait on God.. Martha in this story wanted  Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead right when SHE wanted him to.
One thing we need to realize also is that Gods timing is best...


Never doubt what God can do and what He can do through you! but you have to allow him to!
Martha basically said to Jesus. You cant raise Him from the dead because its been too long She DOUBTED the power that Jesus had she did not beleive that he could do it she did not have Faith..

When you are at your WORST (Lazarus was dead Symbolize that as your worst) Jesus can Take you at your worst and turn it into your best, Just like he raised Lazarus from the dead . But if you dont have FAITH that He can do that.. Then i dont know what to tell you...

Beleive that God can do anything through you, Allow him to work through you!
Be Blessed!,
Jordan Harris

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Presence of the Lord is what brings Power..

Without the Power of the Holyspirit on you you can not do what God has called you to do.. We as people of God need to learn to plug into the power source the power source is God the HolySpirit Jesus is who empowers us to do great things for Him.. With out his empowerment without that annointing we can do nothing!
God wants you to experience his presence today!, He wants to reveal Who He is to you!...
So ask him to make your spirit receptive to the flow of his spirit..
We as christians ALWAYS need to be sensitive to the flow of his spirit with us at all times not just in church or in a service .. ALWAYS because the holsypirit is with us wherever we go if the holyspirit tells us to go lay hands on someone or just minister to them we wont be able to do that if we are not Senitive to his spirit/voice..

Christians its time for us to be on alert Pay attention to what he is doing in you!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tomorrow i will be leading worship at HCS (Chappel) i'm wxcited to see the presence of the Lord revealed to the students!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We as christians need to recognize that Jesus is the ONLY answer for our world today..

lets start humbling ourselves and praying for the restoration of our nation!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

ALL fruitfulness flows from Intimacy with Jesus..

we need to ALWAYS be in a quiet place with Jesus..
Im order to be filled with his Spirit to do His work for us here on earth...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello Everyone!,

I hope all of you are doing well!! my 8th Grade year has began!!.
 so i've been pretty busy.
         More sermons and messages to come soon!!
until then.. Keep me in your prayers!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hello everyone!

My summer has been Great! God has just been so good to me!
i now have a new puppy (American Pit Bull Terrier) his name is Tiger!..

God has just been stirring up so many Gifts in me and right now he's saying i am going to RELEASE what i have for you on you.. But i have to be Obedient and use my gifts to bring him glory!

If God gives me a voice to sing me going and singing R&B would NOT be using My gifts For his glory..
So just pray for e that i can be obedient to what My Lord is calling me to do! Thanks :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hello To everyone who reads this blog!
I hope all is well!
I'm on my summer vacation now FINALLY..
it's been a long time getting here!
but i have finished the race! and finished it strong! That's my testimony With God ALL things are possible!
Later when i have time i want to put a teaching up on Prophecy.. GET READY.. God has been stirring the message up inside of me like CRAZY get ready that's all i have to say..
Have a GREAT night everyone!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Hello blogger. Hope all is well with all f you!,
Today has been a good day (so far) but i'm not complaining at all! thanking God for another day on this earth always thankful. simply because you never know when it's your last day.. This week has been pretty rough although on Monday i was awarded Middle School student of the month (Most Improved)
i was very happy about that! But i also have alot ways to go in such a little time left. Just trying to finish out this school year strong :) So keep me in prayer (we all need it) I always fel like i take two steps forward and then a few more back but that's allright even though i cant see the harvest now i know what i'm swing AMEN!! Thank God For every door he has opened in my life and i will ALWAYS praise Him Always
cause he's been SOO good to me.. and i can SEE his goodness in my life..

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello to all who read this blog I hope all is well with you!
Todays has been a good day (So Far) this morning I just took the oppurtunity to pray and
Just relly get into the presence of God worship was amazing this morning and i beleive that when you set your day Up with God God will be in the midst of everything that you do Which is AMAZING to klnow that God is with us always through it all.. Regardless if we sin or not God still loves us and I think it's very important for us as Christians to always pray and to get into God's word DAILY and not just once a week or once a month that is the worst thing you could do is starve your soul you CAN NOT have a IRREGULAR spiritual diet you need to constantly stay in God's Word so that he can speak to you DAILY If you are a born again beleiver then you know that the HolySpirit is always speaking to us throughout the day. One thing you need to know is how to discern between your own voice and God's Voice but when your born again you know the difference (you should)
It's Very important that we always Are in tune to God's voice if we are not in tune to God's voice than we are just living But for what there is so much more  you can "Know while being in tune to God's spirit The holy spirit will speak to you and just say things like the HolySpirit speaks to me and tells me what i should do and shouldnt do and he shows me what will happen if i do what i shouldnt do and if
 i do what i should do. I always want to do what i should do because there's
Such a greater reward at the END :)
please keep in prayer my friend He is an Agnostic and he is very just confused about who Jesus is and he doesn't think that Jesus is ALIVE so he's very confused in what he beleives. I've tried to tell him about Jesus but Once you tell someone and they dont listen what mroe can you do?? You just have to pray that JESUS reveal's himself to him.. Thanks so much!!
-Jordan H

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hello Everyone,

My weekend has been good!
Friday I had youth group which was really good Ivana DuBose talked about the power
of the tounge and we as christian's should ALWAYS speak life
So that was very good..
I think we can all apply that to our lives! :)
See you all later!,
God Bless!
-Jordan H

Friday, April 20, 2012

Builder or Breaker?

We as Christians should not be speaking poison into someone's vision or goal in life.
instead of being a breaker we should be builder's!
Through Christ we can do all things!.
One thing we all need to know is.. your always going to run into a breaker in your li fe.
there's always going to be someone to tell you that you cant do it!. But that's not
What God says The Lord says you can do ALL thing's through CHRIST who gives
you strength!
Stay away from the breakers and hang with the builders and people who will ALWAYS
support you and push you twords your future thanks
-Jordan H

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello To Everyone who read's this blog!,

it's been a while since i have posted anything!.
but i am doing GOOD i'm just chasing after my dreams living for the Lord
Because without Him what am I? NOTHING.. i hope all is well with you
May the Lord Continue to work in all of your lives!
please check out or follow my tumblr at thanks so much !

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

you were placed on this Earth for A Purpose And a Destiny..
never forget that.
God has a plan for you!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rest in Peace Ms. Lisa Risby

Please pray for the Risby family 
They've lost someone dear to them as well as me.
Ms. Risby went home to be with the lord Last Wed night.
keep them in your prayers thanks
-Jordan Harris


Worship isn't just something I do on Sunday Mornings it's not something us as Christians should do on a Sunday morning either. Worship is also something I don't take lightly I believe that anytime I worship I am going into the presence of the Lord therefore i am not going to joke with you or anything of that matter. There are various forms of worship it;s not just singing a song. But with our Lives she portray a reflection of Jesus when someone looks at you they should see Jesus through you (That's the kind of person i strive to be) I just let Jesus be the lead in my life and i can play the background. The problem is theise days is that some of the youth do not have respect now days in the church which i dont see why now days during worship people want to act like it is a time to play on your cell phone's and video games (etc.)
   That's not what should be going on during worship when we enter the presence of the Lord we should be ready to either hear a word or fellowship with him basically what i'm saying is. well anyone who knows me know that i have a heart for woship I want to see people's lives changed and i want to be able to lead other's into the presence of the Lord. (I also want a healing And Deliverance ministry and worship evangelism)
no, i'm not perfect but with Jesus i can do all thing's.
Youth it's time we stop playing and it's time we get REAL with God so God can get Real with us

enjoy this song..

-Jordan Anthony Harris

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If you felt that you were not loved or noticed on valentine's day. know that you are loved by Jesus and his love is unconditional.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston

hey blog i just want to say to you all to please pray for the Houston Family i know it's hard for them losing someone so dear and close to them.
Ms. Houston had an amazing voice and will forever be missed and never will be forgotten, again please keep the family in your prayers thanks!

I'll sit on the sideline's as long as He's Sitting with ME

today i was just thinking about my Future and what it hold's not that i'm expecting anything bad but i'm just saying i care what's coming next and I am not ever going to leave my Lord and Saviour Jesus Chrsit behind I WILL sit on the sideline's as long as Jesus is with me i have hope i am chosen by him and i just have to be patient and trust him for the next move he is my hope none shall i fear for he's with me he is a shelter over me my love my trust is his! My God can throw mountains into the sea he can bring me through anything and when it's my time to shine he will let me know it's not on my time but his time and i trust him for that!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

your going to be set back looked over sometime's just because your a follower of Christ the bible already tells us that! we just have to stay strong because we can do all things through Jesus who gives us strength.
be encouraged by this song!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


hey everyone how are you hope that all is well
i haven't posted un a while so let me tell you what has been going on with me..
well first off spiritual emphasis week was amazing amazing worship and amazing speakers!
i just wanted to take a while to talk about judging other's
us as christians we are not to judge other's on what they do.
for example: just because you dont see someone at church on wed and saturdays doesnt mean that there not a christian maybe they just dont have a way to get there!..
just simple stuff like that! God's been speaking to my heart lately and there's alot of big thing's that are about to take place that I am excited for..
another thing i want to tell you guys is to be patient patience is the key everything dont rush thing's god knows your heart's desires and just know that God knows.. if your going through trials and tribulations i encourage you to stay strong and endure it to the end with Jesus and know and trust that he will come through for you! be safe everyone! more post's soon!

My Thought to leave with you:

If you Beleive in God then why do you limit him?
he is able dont put a  limit on God!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello everyone it's been a long time since i've posted anything!
hope all of you are doing well. This week has been very busy with Semester Exams at school alot of staying up late just because is strive to be the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic.
But besides that everything has been good with me.
Starting Tuesday is Spiritual Emphasis Week and i'm very excited it's just going to be an amazing time of worship and it's going to be amazing i'm very excited i'm praying that people from my school will not only know got but experience the fulness of his presence during worship.. so just pray along with me for that...
God Bless!