Sunday, April 7, 2013

I pray today that the people of God will become sensitive to the Holy Spirit like never before! So that we can do and OPERATE in the ministry of the holyspirit!

God has been talking to me about Spiritual Discipline lately.
Your spiritual output should never exceed your spiritual input. You can NOT give what you DONT have..
Just because i receive the REVELATION of a prophetic word doesn't mean i release it right them. you have to wait for God to translate the REVELATION that you have received from him (For someonelese) if you don't then you would be releasing a Immature Word to someone..
Spiritual Discipline...
God Bless

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Adversity Trials and Tribulations Obstacles are only going to pull me closer to God. For some reason the enemy thought that he could pull me away from God. But i cast that motive that thought down now!
I'm glad i know God to be a HEALER Amen?
Just thought i should share this with you all Don't let Your obstacles pull you away from God but instead let them bring you closer to God. Let them be proof to God filling you with his strength to overcome!

Be Blessed!,
Jordan A. Harris

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Give myself away So you Can use me..

In order to be used by God you have to give up everything in you that is not like Him. It's hard sometimes!
Sometimes you may not even be able to do it on your own!. But by the POWER of the God and of the Holy spirit i BELIEVE that you can be delivered and Set free of sinful habits and addictions!
The enemy desires to keep us bound up in those things so that we can't FULFILL the PLAN the god has FOR US! My God my God!, Dont you know that you dont have to be kept in bondage you dont have to be kept in chains of your PAST! REPENT! that doesnt mean just say God forgive me That means TURNING away from it. Dont do it anymore dont fall into the SAME trap the enemy wants to keep you in!
I Believe that God is breaking chains off of people so that you will be able to Soar HIGHER in your GIFTINGS!..
God bless you all today!
Stay updated for my Book
"Understanding The Heart Of Worship"

God is just pouring into my spirit and i have to find a way to release it all to his people! God bless you all!
God if there is anything in me that is not Of you or that is not Like you!. Take it out Tear it by the root so that it may not grow back...

I feel like sometimes we try and post big huge sermons but today all I have to say is "God is Good"
What else can I say? I am amazed by the fact that he died For me not only did He die. He rose up from the dead in order for ME and YOU to have life in Him!
I am continually amazed by the goodness of God in my life.