Friday, May 17, 2013

Hello everyone i hope your weekend is off to a good Start! i just wanted to take time and post something really quick! 
We as Christians as believers of Christ should be sold out to bringing him Glory to Magnifying Him (Making him big in our lives) When magnify God in our lives our troubles seem to Fade because we choose to focus on whats bigger/ Whats more important 

this isn't going to be a long post. i just want to say MAGNIFY GOD in YOUR life!


Monday, May 13, 2013

i love it when my music comes from the heart of God he is truly Amazing!

You are pregnant with promise. Don't miscarriage your destiny that God has placed inside of you! He has great plans for you to prosper.When you make a wrong turn in life Don't give up! I am here to tell you that you are human and you are born into a sinful nature (We All mess up) But because you have been redeemed (All the believers) by the blood of Christ. You have been given a Second chance! By the way (Your chances dont run out!) I just want to speak encouragement into you today.. Dont give up on what God has called you or is calling you to do!

Friday, May 3, 2013

  i am thankful for the Relationship that i have With God!
Everybody cant say I still love you in spite of what you did to me or We can still be friends even though you were awful to me!.. I'm very thankful that he chooses to love us UNCONDITIONALLY..
everybody cant do that. but he can just because He is who He is!!