Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yielding to Gods Agenda

HOW do I yield to Gods agenda for my life?

You may be asking question! the answer is simple yet not always Easy!

We can yield to the agenda of God in our every day lives by completely surrendering to The Lord! when we completely surrender to the Lord then we are obedient to everything that He wants from us! but the important part before surrendering to God is being obedient to God even in the small things! God's Agenda for your life is so much bigger than our own plans that we want for ourselves! it takes a lot of trust in God to lay down our plans and pick up his agenda!-- God proves himself faithful to me in my life step by step, day by day. and that makes me trust him even more! knowing that He will never fail me! in this post, I want to encourage you to step out for God and watch Him prove himself faithful to you and in your life! He is faithful and his plans for you are great but it all boils down to will you trust Him!?
God spoke to Moses at the burning bush (Think about this for a second) if Moses wouldn't have said yes to God and if he would not have yielded to Gods agenda, how would the Israelites gotten freed from bondage? Moses tried to come up with excuses as to why he couldn't do it! But God said that's fine! he then sent Moses his brother Aaron to speak for Him! that was God proving himself faithful!

I love to think about how Moses went to pharaoh ten times! after the fifth try I would have been saying "God are you sure you want me to do this?" ..

Listen to this"

when Pharaoh decided to let his people go, the Israelites rejoiced probably saying "finally our deliverance is here! As they were facing the sea to cross over they found themselves pinned. Between the water and the Egyptian army.. if it was me I would probably be thinking oh no! but you see Moses had to step out and faith and listen to the Lord. When moses parted the red sea, that was a demonstration on Gods Power AND Gods faithfulness unto his people!

You see Moses could've given up at the red Sea! But he was willing to yield to Gods agenda! Gods agenda was for him to part the red sea! and even when things did not look right! God proved himself faithful!!

God WILL prove himself faithful to you if you yield to his agenda for your life! as you can see by example in the story of Moses, things were not always easy! But in the end we can clearly see that God is and will always be faithful to those who LOVE him and to those who LIVE in Him!
God Bless!

Prayer requests?
Instagram & Twitter: @iam_music12

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Yielding To Gods Agenda

Hello all!

When I have the time, I will be talking about Yielding to Gods Agenda! it something that we can say all we want but it takes "guts" to actually do it! But through patience and Trust it can be done! I'm excited to tackle and take on this topic! I pray that it will be nourishment to your Spirit! I hope by the end of this "series" you will feel challenged to TRULY yield to Gods Agenda!
Jordan A. Harris

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Welcome to the month of November! during this month the Lord has pressed upon me to really think about  the things that he has blessed me with and truly be thankful!

Today I just wanted to share with you a few things that the Lord has been speaking to me about!

1- The Lord is saying that this is a season for a new standard of worship!-- God is setting the bar higher for worship leaders all around! The Lord is now expecting more from us. We must Press deeper into him and learn how to flow with him! This only comes about when we have that one on one intimate relationship with God! and so for all the worship leaders (including myself) We must get into that private place with God to get to know his heart!(Read the word/Pray(Pray in the spirit) if we've never been to a certain place in God how can we lead others? we Must KNOW the way!

2- the standard for life! -- We must understand that because we are leading others into a pure and holy place we must keep ourselves our as well! we must live a life that is pleasing and glorifying unto the Lord! OUTSIDE of the realm of music! Make sense? we have to make sure that our lives glorify God.. Not just when we are leading worship but all the time!

I pray that you take these two "Nuggets" and really meditate on them Pray about how you can apply these two "Keys" into your life! I believe that us worship leaders can benefit from The 2 points that the Lord spoke to me about!

God Bless!
-Jordan H