This weekend has been long, Fun, and stressful for me! overall I had a GREAT weekend! with having the opportunity to play at Gospel Joins Symphony and going to Homecoming I have had a blast. Out of everything that has happened this week the Lord simply told me to write. Without first giving me a topic to write about! (weird?) The Lord began to speak to me, he simply said "You are Royalty." .... I've heard that spoken to me Tons of times! But when the Lord spoke that to me it came with a new understanding and revelation! I absolutely love getting fresh revelation! Not from a preacher a teacher or a prophet etc. it comes with so much more impact when you receive from God yourself! (I do appreciate EVERY 5 fold ministry gift that is represented in the body of Christ!) so when the Lord told me this I began to hear a new "Ring" To it.. Because I am born again and of Christ, I am IN Him, He is the KING so I am living with his ""Benefits"" (benefit of salvation, Gift of the holy spirit) and not just only me. But because YOU are choosing to live in Christ your not only IN him but he RECOGNIZES you as his OWN as his CHILD .. God knows you! Jesus knows you! The Lord is saying it is time for us to come to Him! we are born into this natural world.. But even before that Christ created us to Glorify Him! God wants RELATIONSHIP and INTIMACY with us! he wants us to spend time with us!.. Since Jesus is KING and to every believer he is Our Dad/Father (I love saying that he is my father! because he is! I am his child!) Then that means we as Believers walk in spiritual authority! we can not be afraid to exercise it!
My question for you is. "Are You Royalty"? have you decided to follow Christ and make him the head of your life? If not I encourage you to do so! we have so much room for more people to join the Body Of Christ.. And we will never run out of room!.
If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, You will be saved! ........
(After confessing you must live it out!)
God bless!